February 28, 2025

February 28, 2025

Ambry Genetics reviews: Key facts to know before testing

Ambry Genetics reviews: Key facts to know before testing

Discover Ambry Genetics reviews from real users and see how this well-established health testing service performs in practice.

One test. All your DNA. For $399.

One test. All your DNA. For $399.

One test. All your DNA. For $399.

Nucleus: One test. All your DNA. For $399.


Your body's complete blueprint

Nucleus uncovers your genetic risk for 800+ conditions—cancers, heart disease, mental health, and more.


Whole-genome insights

Nucleus gives you dramatically better health insights by sequencing 1,000x more DNA than 23andMe.


Clinical-grade results

Test from the comfort of your home. No doctor's office. No hassle.

When it comes to diseases and conditions like cancer, early intervention can make a significant difference. A great place to start is to get a genetic test, which can reveal your risk before any symptoms have emerged and allow you to take appropriate action to ensure better outcomes. 

Companies like Ambry Genetics aim to make genetic knowledge more accessible. A pioneer in its field, Ambry Genetics has been in business for over 20 years and has made significant contributions to scientific advancements in genetics. 

We’ll investigate Ambry Genetics reviews — both positive and negative — to help you understand what to expect. While you can’t order a test from Ambry directly, you can learn about the service to prepare for it, navigate potential challenges, and make your testing experience as smooth as possible.

Ambry Genetics: The basics

Ambry Genetics, a subsidiary of Tempus AI as of Q1 2025, is a long-standing U.S. genetic testing company. In 2013, Ambry successfully fought against Myriad Genetics’ patent claims for BRCA breast cancer genetic tests, contributing to their widespread accessibility today.

Source: Ambry Genetics

Ambry’s tests, which target diseases and conditions like cancer and epilepsy, are intended for a wide range of individuals, including:

  • Healthy people who believe they may be at risk

  • Those with a diagnosed condition

  • Individuals with symptoms that haven’t been explained yet

To get an Ambry test, you must first visit a healthcare provider or genetic counselor. You can also schedule a consultation with a genetic expert through Ambry, specifically its partner, Genome Medical. The expert will review your medical and family history to determine whether you need the test and, if so, order the appropriate one. 

Next, you’ll need to provide a blood and/or saliva sample to be sent to Ambry’s lab for processing. Most tests require waiting two to three weeks for results, but more complex sequencing tests may need up to eight weeks.

Once the lab completes the analysis, it will release the results to your provider, who’ll explain them to you and determine the best way forward. Individuals who receive a concerning result can also receive free virtual genetic counseling services after testing.

Bonus read — Discover our reviews of other genetic testing services:

What do Ambry Genetics reviews say about the service?

The following sections will look deeper into Ambry Genetics, leveraging reviews from people who’ve used the service to offer an unbiased assessment. We’ve focused on the following key aspects:

  1. Test selection

  2. Quality of analyses

  3. Pricing and insurance

  4. Customer experience

1. Test selection

Ambry Genetics offers over 70 tests in total, which screen for diseases and conditions in the following categories:

  1. Hereditary cancer

  2. Heart conditions

  3. Neurological disorders

  4. Rare conditions

The tests vary in the number of genes they target — some analyze a single gene, while others are comprehensive and analyze billions of genes for a broad range of risks. 

The most advanced Ambry tests rely on analyses such as exome sequencing, which looks at the DNA’s protein-coding regions, and chromosomal microarray, which analyzes the entire genome for copy number changes.

Learn about some of the most notable Ambry Genetics tests below:

| Test                  | Description                                                                                                        | Number of Genes | Turnaround Time |
| BRCAplus              | Test that targets genes for hereditary breast cancer                                                               | 13            | 7–10 days      |
| CancerNext            | Pan-cancer test that covers the most common hereditary cancers                                                     | 39            | 14–21 days     |
| CancerNext Expanded   | More comprehensive pan-cancer test for hereditary cancers                                                          | 76            | 14–21 days     |
| CardioNext            | Panel for patients with inherited cardiovascular conditions                                                        | 92            | 14–21 days     |
| CustomNext Cardio     | More advanced gene sequencing and deletion/duplication panel                                                       | 167           | 14–21 days     |
| EpiRapid              | Test analyzing genes associated with epilepsy and treatment                                                        | 22            | 10–14 days     |
| EpilepsyNext Expanded | Test analyzing genes associated with early-onset epilepsy                                                          | 965           | 6–8 weeks      |
| ExomeNext Proband     | Diagnostic exome sequencing for the proband (first person to test in the family)                                   | ~20,000       | 6–8 weeks      |
| SNP Array             | Chromosomal microarray test that identifies genetic abnormalities (deletions and duplications) with high precision | Whole genome  | 14–21 days

Tip 💡

Ambry’s genetic tests are advanced but target specific genes or medical conditions, so they don’t offer a complete assessment of your genetic makeup and predispositions. For such an analysis, opt for a test that uses whole-genome sequencing technology, such as Nucleus Premium.

While Ambry’s SNP array test looks at the whole genome, its scope is limited compared to Nucleus’ test. Nucleus sequences nearly 100% of your DNA, including many variants the SNP array test misses. As a result, Nucleus can accurately screen for over 800 diseases and conditions, including cancer, cardiological, and neurological conditions. Order your test kit today!


2. Quality of analyses

Ambry Genetics offers medical-grade testing. Its lab is one of the world's largest and holds both CAP and CLIA certifications, representing the gold standard for testing quality and reliability. The company uses next-generation sequencing for most analyses and genotyping for others — both of which are reliable methods in their target areas. 

Due to these factors, providers can trust Ambry's results to be accurate in most cases and use them to diagnose health issues and create treatment protocols.

Once it analyzes your sample, Ambry will provide a report specifying whether your result is:

  1. Positive: Indicates an increased risk for the target medical condition.

  2. Negative: Indicates that the test found no variants related to the target condition.

  3. Variant of unknown significance (VUS): Indicates that the test found at least one genetic variant, but it’s not clear whether this signifies increased risk. You may receive an update in the future as Ambry’s services advance.

You’ll receive your results through your provider, who’ll interpret the report and provide you with all the necessary information. They may use your results to order subsequent screening tests, discuss risk-reducing options like surgery, or propose other treatment options.

Source: Ambry Genetics

Bonus read — Learn how other testing platforms will present your results:

3. Pricing and insurance

Ambry hasn’t displayed the prices of its tests on the website, but it states that:

  • Four out of five patients don’t pay anything 

  • Those that do pay typically pay less than $100

The company claims that many U.S. health insurance plans cover genetic testing and that it has contracts with most insurance companies. If you can’t or don’t want to use insurance, you can choose the self-pay option, which, according to user reviews, typically costs around $200. Ambry also offers a financial assistance program that considers your location, income, and household size.

As with many other diagnostic testing services, including Natera and Invitae, we saw many customer complaints regarding the payment model. Many users received substantial bills from Ambry, some as high as $6,800, after being told their insurance would cover the testing and that their out-of-pocket costs would be low. 

That said, many of these users were also able to appeal the charges and ended up paying a reduced price of around $100–200. Also, several providers have shared that they prefer Ambry Genetics over other testing services due to its fair billing practices. 

Read about one user’s experience below:


4. Customer experience

Ambry Genetics doesn’t have the Better Business Bureau accreditation. Also, despite being in business for over two decades, Ambry has few reviews since it’s a medical-grade service that typically healthcare providers recommend. 

Besides the billing, the other most discussed topic among Ambry reviewers is customer service. Some individuals have reported experiencing issues like:

  • Delays in receiving results, some as long as months

  • Samples being lost during shipping or processing

  • Lack of communication from Ambry’s representatives

Check out what one customer had to say:


Another customer also expressed discontent with the genetic consultation Ambry provided, claiming that it was only a two-minute phone call. 

Bonus read — Discover user reviews of other testing services:

Bottom line: Is Ambry Genetics a reliable testing service?

Here’s an overview of Ambry Genetics’s upsides and downsides:

| Pros                                                                                                   | Cons                                                                                      |
| Well-established testing service<br>One of the largest labs in the world<br>Accessible pricing<br>Free genetic counseling services in case of concerning results | Tests and results can’t be accessed directly<br>Limited testing range<br>Reports of delayed turnaround<br>Reports of billing issues

Ambry Genetics tests can correctly identify your genetic risk for various diseases and conditions and help your doctor plan your care. Still, before testing, make sure to discuss cost coverage with your insurance provider and an Ambry representative. If you receive a high bill anyway, contact Ambry to potentially reduce the costs.

For a clinical-grade genetic test with straightforward pricing, opt for Nucleus. For only $399, Nucleus can analyze nearly 100% of your genome to detect your susceptibility to hundreds of diseases and conditions, including many that Ambry screens for. 

You can order the test directly, take it home, and receive easily understandable reports with actionable lifestyle recommendations. Still, if you need expert guidance on your results or the next steps, Nucleus can connect you with a genetic counselor via SteadyMD.


Nucleus: Comprehensive genetic insights from your home

Nucleus is a physician-approved DNA platform offering convenient genetic testing for over 900 diseases and conditions, including those related to:

  • Heart health

  • Neurology

  • Cancer

  • Food and diet

  • Mental health

Once you mail in your sample, Nucleus will analyze it in its U.S. CAP-accredited and CLIA-certified labs that use U.S. machines exclusively. Also, by using the latest whole-genome sequencing technology, Nucleus can ensure detailed, 99.9% accurate results.

As your lifestyle and environment can significantly impact your health, Nucleus will consider these factors to estimate your risks and personalize your reports further. 


Although scientifically rigorous and comprehensive, Nucleus will provide easy-to-interpret reports with helpful visuals and clear language. You’ll also get actionable advice to help you reduce health risks through lifestyle changes, including AI health tips. If you have questions about your results or health improvements, you can consult with a board-certified geneticist from Nucleus’ partner, SteadyMD.

Besides your health predispositions, Nucleus will analyze your DNA for traits such as muscle strength, longevity, and BMI, and even calculate your genetic IQ.

Test with Nucleus — Reap the benefits for life

While most companies charge thousands, Nucleus’ whole-genome analysis is only $399 and includes all 900 health and trait reports. You can also choose to receive updates as Nucleus learns about your lifestyle changes and expands its database in light of scientific advancements.

Here’s how you can order your kit:

  1. Sign up for Nucleus

  2. Provide personal information

  3. Place the order

Your kit will arrive at your door within a few days, providing all the necessary equipment to collect your sample. Next, you’ll swab your cheeks and mail the sample to the lab — shipping is free both ways. Within six to eight weeks, you’ll receive your results in your secure online account*.

*Nucleus complies with HIPAA. It will protect your data with industry-standard security protocols and destroy your sample within 60 days of receiving it.

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Featured image source: Edward Jenner




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© 2025 Nucleus Genomics, Inc.




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Made in the U.S.A.

© 2025 Nucleus Genomics, Inc.

Uncover your genetic risks

Uncover your genetic risks