Reach a diagnosis faster with Nucleus
For patients with genetic disorders, whole-genome sequencing can enable early and precise diagnoses, transforming patient care and improving outcomes.
Genetics is no longer specialized testing.
It's a standard of care.
Estimated cost of genetic testing in America.
Of all medical diagnoses that have genetic factors.
1 in 4
People in America likely have a genetic disorder
Clinical-grade genome testing. From home.
Nucleus is the all-in-one whole-genome testing option, helping clinics help customers.
Clinics use Nucleus for:
Safe, secure patient data.
HIPAA Compliant
Ensures compliance with strict privacy and security measures that protect patient health data.
CAP Accredited
A commitment to meet rigorous laboratory standards, ensuring high-quality testing.
CLIA Certified
Compliant with federal regulations for clinical laboratory testing and patient reporting.
"Nucleus is a powerful tool because it enables our patients to test their entire genome and see how it might be affecting them and their family."
First Last
How it works
step 1
Your patient orders their kit online, pick their preferred delivery date, and set up free shipping to their home.
step 2
They follow simple instructions to swab their cheek and ship their sample to the lab. No blood. No needles.
step 3
Patients' samples are sequenced using Illumina's NovaseqX 30x whole-genome sequencing.
step 4
Your patient's results can be released at the discretion of your practice.
Implement with minimal clinical time
Flexible service setup in days
Tailored to your needs
Fast, secure cloud integration
Virtual clinician training
Reduce healthcare inequality
Intuitive UI improves accessibility
Low barrier (no hardware required)
Virtual clinician training
24/7 patient support
Reduce routine clinical work
Support health at home
Reduce unplanned resource use
"We intentionally designed Nucleus to deliver the highest quality clinical genetic tests, in a consumer product that's accessible to nearly everyone."
Lasse Folkersen, Ph.D.
Chief Scientific Officer
One test. 800+ genetic screenings.
Nucleus is one of the most affordable whole-genome tests in the world. We're working to help accelerate the move from reactive care to preventive care.
Reach a diagnosis with less clinical time.
Nucleus uncovers patients' risk for both common and rare genetic conditions that other tests may miss.
Accurate. Affordable. Accessible.
Nucleus is 10x more affordable than traditional whole-genome testing options.
Traditional options
Learn more about options for your practice
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