November 29, 2024

November 29, 2024

Biohacking for women: Tips and techniques to optimize your health

Biohacking for women: Tips and techniques to optimize your health

Check out our comprehensive guide to biohacking for women and learn about the tips and tricks that can help you achieve better physical and mental health.

Halle Marchese

Halle Marchese

Director of Marketing & Comms, Nucleus

Director of Marketing & Comms, Nucleus

One test. All your DNA. For $399.

One test. All your DNA. For $399.

One test. All your DNA. For $399.

Nucleus: One test. All your DNA. For $399.


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Although the same in their core, women and men differ in numerous ways, from hormonal to psychological, and thus require a specific approach to biohacking. You must consider these nuances to get the best results, whether you’re looking to deal with a particular health issue, enhance your overall well-being, or promote longevity. 

We’ll present the best tips on biohacking for women, spanning various aspects of women’s health, including diet, skincare, and mental health. You’ll also read about the techniques today’s leading female biohackers swear by. 

Note: Listen to your body, consider your specific needs, and consult a doctor before taking any supplements or making drastic lifestyle changes.

Tips for hormonal health

Hormones, our bodies’ chemical messengers, have various functions, affecting everything from fertility to mood. If you believe you’re experiencing hormonal imbalance, it’s best to see your healthcare provider as soon as possible. Otherwise, you can take proactive measures to support hormonal balance and potentially avoid related issues. 

According to Dr Sara Gottfried, a well-known integrative medicine practitioner, the three hormones women should primarily pay attention to are cortisol, estrogen, and thyroid. She shared the following tips for biohacking your hormones:

  1. Cortisol: To lower the levels of this “stress hormone”, you may take a low dose of low-sugar chocolate or raw cacao daily. She also recommends rhodiola, fish oil, and phosphatidylserine supplements.

  2. Estrogen: It’s important to maintain a healthy balance of estrogen’s different forms as some can be harmful. Gottfried suggests eating beets, ingesting between 35 and 45 grams of fiber a day, and taking the supplement diindolylmethane. 

  3. Thyroid: Women are more susceptible to thyroid disease, which can significantly impact their fertility, health, as well as the health of their fetuses. To counter it, Gottfried’s advice is to cook with coconut oil and take copper, zinc, selenium, and iodine supplements. She also advises doing shoulder stands to get the blood going in the neck region. 

Sara Gottfried has also designed a hormone-balancing four-week diet that comprises detoxification, ketosis, and fasting. Still, it’s important to implement these practices carefully as they may not work for everyone and could cause health problems.

Source: Nathan Cowley

Tips for nutrition 

Women are more prone to some nutritional deficiencies than men. For example, iron deficiency and anemia are more common among women, partly due to blood loss during menstruation. That’s why women require a specific biohacking diet to ensure their bodies function properly. Check out the general advice on beneficial nutrients:

| Nutrient    | Examples of what it may help with                                            |
| ----------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Vitamin B6  | PMS, anxiety, depression, anemia, pregnancy-related nausea                   |
| Vitamin B12 | Pregnancy and birth, bone health, depression, hair and skin                  |
| Vitamin D   | Mood, weight loss, prevention of multiple sclerosis and other diseases       |
| Iron        | Preventing or treating iron deficiency (due to anemia, heavy periods, etc.)  |
| Magnesium   | PMS, bone health, inflammation, mood, exercise                               |
| Folate      | Prevention of pregnancy issues and birth defects, postmenopausal health      |
| Choline     | Brain function, mental health, fetus development, postmenopause              |
| Calcium     | Bone density issues (which are more common in women), pregnancy preeclampsia |
| Iodine      | Thyroid balance, fetus brain development, fibrocystic breast disease

In practice, these guidelines translate to a diet rich in vegetables, fruit, whole grains, legumes, lean proteins, and nuts — such as the Mediterranean diet. 

Another excellent example is the diet of Julie Gibson Clark, the runner-up in the 2024 Rejuvenation Olympics. This biohacking mom shared that she eats a wide range of whole foods daily, including 16 oz of vegetables, and limits refined sugars and grains.

Tips for exercise 

Regular physician activity has numerous health benefits for women. It can help you:

  • Manage weight and decrease fat mass

  • Regulate estrogen and cortisol levels

  • Combat stress and improve mood

  • Reduce the risk of various diseases

Source: StockSnap

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Follow these tips to build and make the most of your exercise routine:

  1. Create a well-rounded routine: You should combine low and high-intensity training, strength, flexibility, and cardio exercise. That way, you can target all muscles, reduce the risk of injury, and improve your overall fitness efficiently.

  2. Exercise according to your cycle: Cycle syncing is the practice of adapting your habits to your menstrual cycle. It was conceptualized by Alisa Vitti. For exercise, syncing means taking on more intense workouts during the follicular and ovulatory phases and switching to lighter exercise, such as yoga, during the luteal and menstrual phases.

  3. Leverage weight-bearing exercises: These exercises are excellent for bone health, which is more likely to be compromised in women than men.

  4. Include pelvic floor exercises: Strengthening your pelvic floor — the muscles of your uterus, bladder, and bowel — can prevent incontinence and help you have more pleasurable sex. This is especially important for women after giving birth.

  5. Use a sauna or steam room: Saunas can help boost recovery time, improve your circulation, and make your skin glow. This is why numerous biohackers, including Julie Gibson Clark, use saunas multiple times a week. 

Tips for skincare 

Besides a generally healthy lifestyle, the following hacks may help your skin remain supple and youthful:

| Tip             | Why it matters                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |
| --------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Cleansing       | Dead skin cells accumulate on the surface of your skin, leading to dullness and dryness. Famous beauty guru and biohacker Skinny Confidential uses a dry brush to exfoliate her body and states that it feels energizing.                                                                                             |
| Hydration       | As Skinny Confidential said, moisturizing your skin every day is crucial. It ensures a smooth texture, prevents and soothes irritation, and helps you avoid skin disorders and acne.                                                                                                                                  |
| Circulation     | To help your skin glow, massage your face to improve blood flow. You can do so while cleansing it, as Skinny Confidential does.                                                                                                                                                                                       |
| Supplementation | Some of the supplements biohackers often recommend for skincare are: <br> • Vitamins B, B12, C, E, biotin, and niacin <br> • Collagen <br> • Omega-3 fatty acids <br> • Resveratrol <br>

Numerous other skincare treatments exist to help you improve your skin and reverse the signs of aging. They range from mild ones like red light therapy to more intense ones like chemical peels. In any case, it’s best to see a dermatologist to explore viable options.

Bonus read: If you’re interested in novel and unconventional anti-age treatments, you might enjoy reading about Bryan Johnson’s biohacking ventures.

Source: Erik Brolin

Tips for mental health

Maintaining mental health is essential for women. Various factors, including daily stressors and hormonal changes, can impact your thoughts and emotions. Here are some tips to help you navigate these challenges:

  1. Practice meditation: Meditation has been around for thousands of years. Studies have confirmed its effectiveness in alleviating physiological markers of stress. Try to meditate every day by breathing deeply and observing your surroundings and bodily sensations. Guided meditations can also help you start. 

  2. Start journaling: Set aside time each day to write down your thoughts and feelings. Doing so may help you deal with everyday stress, manage your emotions, and resolve problems.

  3. Work on your sleep: Proper sleep is essential for cognition, mental well-being, and overall health, so it should be one of your priorities. Dr Tamsin Lewis, a medical doctor and former athlete, recommends going to sleep early and having a bedtime routine. She also suggests tracking your sleep to understand your habits and ensure accountability when you stray from the routine.

  4. Connect with others: One way to reduce stress is to boost oxytocin, a.k.a. “the love hormone.” This may include spending time with loved ones or being intimate with your partner but also doing other activities you enjoy, such as listening to music.

  5. Try supplementation: Supplements can also enhance cognition and mental health. Examples include adaptogens and nootropics like ashwagandha, Panax ginseng, L-theanine, and theacrine.

Knowing your body: The ultimate biohack for women

Understanding and monitoring how your body and mind is especially important for women. This may include tracking your menstrual cycle, having regular check-ups, or being mindful of changes as generators of stress. It will allow you to make informed choices, give your body what it needs and deserves, and prevent problems down the line. 

One simple way to self-discovery is genetic testing with Nucleus. This all-in-one DNA platform analyzes almost your entire genome to reveal the unique profile of risks and traits your genes carry. This information can be an excellent starting point for your biohacking journey, allowing you to tailor your lifestyle choices for optimal health outcomes.


Nucleus: Personalized genetic insights to transform your approach to health

Despite being as easy to take as consumer-grade tests like 23andMe, Nucleus is much more comprehensive since it uses whole-genome sequencing technology. Besides decoding almost 100% of your DNA, Nucleus accounts for your lifestyle factors, which can have a major impact on your general health. This allows it to provide detailed reports with 99% accuracy. 

Nucleus can reveal your risk for over 170 conditions, including:

  • Breast and other types of cancer

  • Heart disease

  • Mental health conditions

  • Rare disorders that other tests often miss

You can also learn how much your genes predispose you to traits like BMI, acne, and longevity. These insights can direct your choices toward a healthier, happier, and longer life.

Your reports will be easy to understand regardless of your relevant knowledge because of their straightforward language and handy data visualizations. If you have any concerns or need guidance on the next steps, Nucleus can arrange a session with a genetic counselor through its partner, SteadyMD. 

Nucleus is a fully regulated platform — it’s HIPAA-compliant, so it follows strict data security protocols and collaborates with certified U.S. labs to ensure quality.

Get started with Nucleus Premium

Nucleus Premium is one of the most affordable whole-genome tests in the U.S. For only $399 plus an annual subscription, the test includes all available health and trait reports and updates in light of new research and your lifestyle changes. Nucleus is also HSA/FSA eligible, so you may be able to cover some of the costs through your health savings plan.

Your Nucleus kit contains all the necessary equipment. To take the test, you should swab your cheeks, which requires only minutes. Once you mail in your sample, you’ll be able to view your results in your secure online account in about six to eight weeks.

Here’s how you can get your Nucleus Premium kit:

  1. Sign up

  2. Provide the necessary information

  3. Place an order

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Featured image source: Radomir Jordanovic




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